Writing Term 2

We read a book called 'The Cat in the Hat' by Dr Seuss. We used our Green Thinking Hat to write a creative story about what would happen if Thing 1 & Thing 2 (characters from the book) came to our house.

We are learning to:
Use the Green Thinking Hat (creativity) to write a story.

We can do this when we can: 
-Write a story that keeps the reader interested.
-Write in detail.
-Use interesting words.
-Publish our work carefully.

 If thing one and thing two came to my house they would explode my house. My mum might come home but Dr Seuss would come to save the world then I would thank you Dr Seuss.

Student Reflection:
Something I did well: Publish my work carefully.
My next step: Add more detail to my writing.

Integrated Unit Term 2

I am learning to: Express my understanding of change.

Task: Draw something to show what you know about change.

Before Learning

During Learning

After Learning

Student reflection  on learning

Now I know.......plants change when they go from a seed to a plant when they get water.

Maths Term 2

We are learning to:
Make statements about a data display.
We can do this when we can:
Correctly say one or more things about a display of data on a pictogram.
E.g " I notice the most popular eye colour in Room 22 is blue".

Student Comment:
I notice apples are more popular than bananas.